Enjoy your nature

Nature and Environment

Tazacorte offers visitors a privileged natural environment. Its mild climate with countless hours of sun shine throughout the year can be appreciated in the fertile Aridane Valley. Tazacorte maintains a high level of environmental preservation, a sits territory was declared a special protection area. The landscape alternates between volcanic areas in the in landand banana plantations in the coastal areas. Natural vegetation is dominated by Tabaibas (Euphorbia balsamifera), an endemic species from the Canary Islands and North Africa, Almacigos, or Mt. Atlas mastic tree, (Pistaciaatlantica), Cardoncillos (Cerpegiahians), as well as extensive banana plantations.


In Tazacorte the presence of the raven and the kestrel is frequent, as they use the area as a refuge and breeding ground. Other typical birds from the Canary wildlife are the Capirote, Herrerillos, Alpispa, turtle doves and the blackbird. The first two have a beautiful song; thereforeit is common to see them in captivity. The area is also home to reptiles and invertebrates, such as the Tizon lizard. The Chacón, popularly known as the salamander, is quickly expanding in areas with banana trees, where it lives in branches without causing apparent damage. Last but not least, Tazacorte also has a particularly rich marine fauna.
The coast of Puerto de Tazacorte is a privileged place for diving. Among the most abundant fish species here are the Doradas, Viejas, Cabrillas, Sargos, Sardinas, Chicharro, Caballa, Morenas, Congrios, Abadejos and Tunas such as Bonito and Albacora. Among the cephalopods are the octopus, Potas and Calamares; among the molluscs the Lapa and the Burgao; and among the crustaceans, several species of crabs. However, the rich waters of the island are overfished so that several species are currently in danger of extinction.

©Ayuntamiento de La Villa y Puerto de Tazacorte